

7605 Central Ave NE


Lead artist Sara Rivera with community participants

Keywords is a text-based art project mounted on the reader board of the former Caravan East road sign at the site of the future Albuquerque International District Public Library. 

Before the stay-at-home orders brought on by the COVID-19 crisis, Sara Rivera (artist/poet) of Friends of the Orphan Signs led a series of community workshops at Albuquerque Libraries, to generate text to post on the future library sign.

During these poetry workshops, community members and library patrons were invited to respond to literary quotes (“keywords”), serving as prompts. These quotes were pulled from local library collections, with a focus on New Mexico, Latinx, and POC writers. Participants wrote in response, thinking specifically about telling the stories of their own neighborhoods and communities. 

This project is supported by City of Albuquerque Public Arts


Tradewinds Reader Board


Keywords: Day & Night